Data Destruction Services

Comprehensive data destruction services using software erasure, shredding, degaussing, with certified reporting for secure and compliant data handling.

Data Destruction Services

Blancco Software-Based Erasure

Blancco sets the gold standard in software-based data destruction, ensuring secure and compliant erasure of modern storage devices.”Blancco the primary method of erasure, which is performed within secure facilities under CCTV monitoring. After erasure, all devices are subjected to a secondary validation step – which verifies that no data remains on the erased storage media.

Shredding & Crushing

Physical data destruction is used In scenarios where software erasure is unsuitable (ie. Desk phones) or unviable (ie. faulty or damaged media), or where devices which do not pass validation.

Devices are passed through either a shredder or hammer mill (depending on the required output particle size) – ensuring complete destruction of all contained data. The Hammer mill can reduce devices and media to sub-3mm particles – passing even the most stringent government requirements for TOP SECRET classified data.

Tape & Magnetic Hard Drive Degaussing

In some scenarios, it is optimal to degauss magnetic hard drives and magnetic tapes (typically when an on-site, low-noise, no-mess solution is required). The services that ZircoDATA provide leverage the expertise of accredited suppliers that maintains a number of NSA and PSPF-approved degaussers for deployment as needed by our clients.

Itemised Asset Reporting & Destruction Certificate

All devices and media received for destruction will be listed on an itemised data destruction report and certificate. The report lists the serial numbers, asset tags and specifications of each asset received, alongside its eventual destruction method. Data destruction is ensured, and certificates are provided guaranteeing all works.

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ZircoDATA Secure Chain-Of-Custody

Our better-than-industry standards start with our secure chain of custody protocols. We invest in the latest technologies to ensure end-to-end tracking of your materials:

Barcode Scan

Barcode scan at every touchpoint for a complete chain of custody

Locked Trucks

Locked trucks keep information safe in transit

Secure Containers

Secure containers keep information safe

GPS-Tracked Fleet

GPS-tracked fleets provide end-to-end tracking of your material

Secured Monitored Facilities

Secure, monitored facilities protect your information before it's destroyed

Certificate of Destruction

Certificate of Destruction certifies that your material was destroyed in a compliant manner

Accreditations, Compliance & Memberships

You Can Trust us to Protect Your Information

The services that ZircoDATA provide leverage the expertise of accredited suppliers, ensuring compliance with the Australian Signals Directorate’s Information Security Manual (ISM) controls for IT Asset Disposals and is fully accredited with to ISO 27001 and NAID AAA with PSPF Endorsement plus

ISO27001 - Information Security

International ISO Standard - Information Security

ISO 9001 - Quality Management

International ISO Standard - Quality Management

AS/NZS 5377 E-Waste Management

International ISO Standard - E-Waste Management

ISO 45001 - Occupational Health and Safety

International ISO Standard - Occupational Health and Safety

ISO 14001 - Environmental Management

International ISO Standard - Environmental Management

NAID AAA with PSPF Endorsement

An accredited NAID (National Association for Information Destruction) AAA provider for IT Asset Disposal (ITAD) Services. Facilities are routinely audited by NAID to ensure we uphold the most stringent measures in data security and sanitisation.

R2 v3 certified

Accredited to the R2 standard for e-waste recycling and disposal by SERI. R2 is the gold standard for modern e-waste processing methodology and controls.

ZircoDATA is proud to collaborate with suppliers who actively support initiatives like the Techtocountry: Indigenous Laptop Donation Program. Together, we aim to make a positive impact.