E-Waste Collection and Recycling
On Site Collection of your E-Waste
We collect your obsolete devices and associated peripherals/cables from site, security transport then to our Partners Processing facility
What We Collect
Computers, Printers, Servers, Cables – if you have other items let us know.
Our team will collect all types of IT waste from computers and cables to server racks and large printers. If it is on your IT asset register we’ll collect it!
Complete End to End Data Security
Your devices are secured with the same level of security as devices from the Australian Defence Force. Our process is highly accredited and ensures that your data is in safe hands from collection to disposal.
100% diversion from Landfill
Be assured that your e-waste will be completely recycled. Devices for recycling are broken down to the component level and remanufactured into raw metals and plastics — ready for a new life
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ZircoDATA Secure Chain-Of-Custody
Our better-than-industry standards start with our secure chain of custody protocols. We invest in the latest technologies to ensure end-to-end tracking of your materials:
Barcode Scan
Locked Trucks
Secure Containers
GPS-Tracked Fleet
Secured Monitored Facilities
Certificate of Destruction
Accreditations, Compliance & Memberships
You Can Trust us to Protect Your Information
The services that ZircoDATA provide leverage the expertise of accredited suppliers, ensuring compliance with the Australian Signals Directorate’s Information Security Manual (ISM) controls for IT Asset Disposals and is fully accredited with to ISO 27001 and NAID AAA with PSPF Endorsement plus

ISO27001 - Information Security

ISO 9001 - Quality Management

AS/NZS 5377 E-Waste Management

ISO 45001 - Occupational Health and Safety

ISO 14001 - Environmental Management

NAID AAA with PSPF Endorsement

R2 v3 certified
ZircoDATA is proud to collaborate with suppliers who actively support initiatives like the Techtocountry: Indigenous Laptop Donation Program. Together, we aim to make a positive impact.