As 2022 draws to a close, we would like to take this opportunity to thank all our valued customers for their support throughout the year and look forward to working with you in 2023.

ZircoDATA will operate throughout the holiday period, but please be aware of the following adjustments and public holidays:

Day / Date Service Changes
Friday, 23rd December 2022 Cut-off time for orders and services 12:00 noon (local time)
Monday 26th December 2022 ZircoDATA closed
Tuesday 27th December 2022 ZircoDATA closed
Friday, 30th December 2022 Cut-off time for orders and services 12:00 noon (local time)
Monday, 2nd January 2023 ZircoDATA closed

Our Record Centre on-call service will continue to operate as normal during the holiday period.

Our Customer Care team are here to help. They can be reached by calling 13 ZIRCO (13 94 72) or email if you have any questions or concerns.

Transport delays

We continue to collaborate with our transport partners in the lead up to holiday period to minimise any delays resulting from record parcel volumes and thank you for your patience during this period.

If transport delivery risks are a concern to you, please contact us to discuss alternative options.

We hope that you and your team enjoy the holiday season and wish your business a prosperous 2023.

Your ZircoDATA team